Layout: Portrait
Recommended size is a ratio of 9:16 with a resolution of 1920 px (Height) x 1080 px (Width)
Posters should be designed, such that titles, legends, graphs, and illustrations can be easily read -Kindly produce and affix a recent headshot (passport-sized) of the Author/s at the top right-hand corner of the poster.
Hyperlinks, animated images, animations, and animated slide transitions are not permitted for e-Posters and will be non-functioning.
Language: English
For all references to products or companies, generic names must be used. Brand names can be inserted as a reference at the bottom of the E-poster.
Advertising/corporate logos should be avoided on the E-poster.
Sponsored posters should be identified by a text like this work has been made possible by an educational/research grant from "X Company".
Please note in order to present your abstract, kindly register and fully paid before 10 October 2024
You can also download the template to ensure your e-Poster has the right dimensions.